If any artist can give us aid and comfort, Komal Parmar can with her great splashes of bright colour on huge canvases. They are big and bold, abstract but not empty or clinical, free but orderly, lively but intensely relaxed and peaceful.She is influenced by Abstract Expressionist painting practices, but has developed her own distinct approach to the style. She is an abstract artist for whom the natural landscape – rather than the existential confrontation with the canvas or search for the sublime – serves as the major focus and inspiration.
Her vibrant palette with bright colors dominating her representational canvases and expressive brushwork provides the viewer with a sense of hope. From her figurative and highly symbolic work, Komal progresses further towards pure abstraction. The forms are already schematized from their observable appearance in the surrounding world in the canvas, and her abstraction only progressed as Komal has refined her theories about art.